The thrill of travelling is often all about being able to take off at little or no notice, just throwing a few basic items into a suitcase or travel bag, and then just heading off to the airport.
But equally, there's a great deal of satisfaction to be had in the planning of a long-anticipated break. Poring through guidebooks, deciding where you need to visit, shopping for a new wardrobe, and then ... trying to fit it all into your luggage.
That's where many high hopes for a heavenly holiday grind to a halt. It then becomes a matter of filtering out items which you can manage without, or really don't need but pack simply because it seems like a good idea at the time.
But with any holiday, much of the enjoyment when you actually reach your destinations comes from having carried out the planning properly and taken appropriate account of the weather conditions you will encounter, and the activities which you'll spend most of your time doing. And if you've succeeded in staying within your airline's baggage limits in the process, then so much the better.
Here, then, are five important tips to help ensure that you and your belongings reach your destination safely – and get back home again too – while avoiding those hefty excess baggage charges.
1. Know your limits – Many airlines have varying limits when it comes to the amount of hand luggage they allow on board, with a maximum size of 56cm x 45cm x 25cm becoming widely adopted as a standard across the airline sector. So if you're unsure, get out your tape measure and check the dimensions of your case before you start packing.
2. Stay up to date with the rules of carriage – You see it at the check-in desk for pretty much every flight – those huddles of people who are sifting through their cases and having to discard bottles and cartons of shampoo, shaving products and soaps which hold more than 100 millilitres. But the scanning of these at check-in is now so common that there's no excuse for not remembering. Stock up with travel-sized containers of your favourite products beforehand or buy what you need at your destination instead.
3. Store items in your clothing – Wearing a loose-fitting light jacket with capacious pockets will enable you to carry lots of items about your person. Jackets and gilets with up to 30 visible and secret pockets can be readily bought.
4. Cull luxury items – How many pairs of shoes will you need? Two, tops. Don't take the whole guidebook, just copies of the pages relevant to where you're going. And instead of a whole formal outfit, pack a smart shirt or blouse to give a smarter look to your day clothes.
5. Don't stuff your case – Are you allowing for extra items you'll want to bring back as souvenirs? Not only that, but you should also take account of the fact that you'll never repack your case as neatly as when you left home. And instead of folding your clothes, roll them together, packing around your underwear, and fill shoes with small items too.
Efficient packing for any break isn't just about secrets known only to seasoned travellers. It's more about thinking carefully about matching your own needs with what you'll also require for the specific destination.
And after all, a nasty surprise at the airport in the form of excess baggage charges certainly isn't anyone's idea of a good start to a holiday!
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